5 Tips To Prepare Your Toddler For Preschool

5 Tips To Prepare Your Toddler For Preschool


Summer is winding down (already?!) and the time for little ones to head back to school is right around the corner. Whether your child is just starting their preschool journey, or you have a returning student, this time can be both exciting and filled with apprehension. Here are 5 tips to help you set the tone for a great school year.

Communicate & Prepare

Start prepping a couple weeks out to help your child know what to expect. Activities like role playing with stuffies or other toys, and reading books about starting school can help open a dialogue with your child and validate their feelings about attending school.

It’s also an ideal time to create school day and bedtime routines. Start practicing the new bedtime and wake-up time your child will need for preschool – pick a bedtime that will provide a good night’s rest and a wake-up time early enough so neither of you have to rush in the morning. This will give everyone time to adjust and help make the first day of school feel less chaotic.

Encourage Independence

Get your child excited about school by including them in decisions around the essentials they’ll need. Allowing them to choose items such as a backpack, lunch box/snack containers and a nap mat, helps them feel they have control in the process. Continue to  promote independence throughout the school year by encouraging them to choose daily outfits or lunch items.

Preview School

Take advantage of school open houses, where parents, teachers and children can get to know each other. This is a great way for your child to get familiar with their new school, their teacher and classroom, and even the route to school and landmarks along the way. It’s also an opportunity to meet other families that you can start building relationships with for support and socialization opportunities, like playdates and birthday parties.

Create a Goodbye Ritual

Separation anxiety is completely normal (for young children and parents too)! Toddlers don’t know what to expect from a new environment and many will experience uncertainty. Creating a goodbye ritual or special routine provides comfort and familiarity so they know what’s to come. This could be as simple as a special hug, handshake or saying (“see you later, alligator!”).

Whatever you decide on, it’s best to keep it brief when the time comes. Dragging it out, or on the flip-side - suddenly disappearing - can frighten them. Stay calm and positive, as kids pick up cues from you, and reassure them that you will see each other again soon.

Be On Time (or as close as possible)

Wrenches can be thrown into the schedule of even the most organized parents - we are working with toddlers here! Being on-time for drop-off and pick-up helps ease anxiety and reinforces the idea that the separation is temporary.

It can take a few weeks for your toddler to adjust to their new environment, so have patience and give yourself grace. You got this!

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